Welcome to Coolnaro! Let's go and find your favourite songs! You haven't found them? Just write a request!
The website is on working! We know, there just a few songs there, but if you want more, then write to us!
How can you download these songs to your mobile?
It's so easy. Just go to our page in your mobile, and then, click (tap) on it! And tadaaa! In some minutes, you'll have new songs! :)
New thing: Other! You can find it in the menu, and there are two gategories: Everyday cute and Pusheen . Okay, we now we made Coolnaro for a downloader page, but we wanted to make some other things there. In Everyday cute you can find cute animals, Fuzzy Potter, Sailor Moon chibis, etc. In Pusheen we've got a Pusheen collection, from the official Pusheen page.
Did you know? There's a book about Pusheen! I don't know what is it about, 'cause it's just a cute cat....